@dave1904 I’d start by adding a console.log function to hookData so you can see what is being returned
return hookData; console.log(hookData):What is this bar called?
@Panda it’s not changed in the topic pages because that is the NodeBB navigation bar - not the sudonix one. I’m not going to be disabling that one as it’s part of the core.
Edit - for the avoidance of any doubt, here’s the link to the original post where the progress bar was in fact the same as it’s been recently modified to be
@Panda said in What is this bar called?:
Far be it for me, with half a star, to disagree with someone with 4 stars, but it makes no difference to me if its vertical or horizontal.
I wanted to add clarity to this point here for anyone else following this thread. The rating you have has absolutely zero bearing when it comes to open discussion. There is no seniority over someone with half a star (for example) for someone with 5 stars.
Both @DownPW and @Panda have made some very valid points and as a community it’s important that everyone
- has a voice
- is heard
- is treated as an equal
I understand that it’s difficult to convey tone when responding to something, or trying to get your point across, but please remember that English isn’t everyone’s primary language here, so sometimes things do get lost in translation, or don’t come across as the original poster intended.
Either way, if you aren’t sure, it’s a good idea to ask for clarification (as I did previously in this thread).
Thanks for reading -back to the topic in hand…
@phenomlab said in What is this bar called?:
Navigation control however is important, so I will put the scroll to top feature back, but I want to think about how this will look across the site and how it impacts the user experience.
It’s back!
The scroll top top function has been added back into the mix, and is now available in the usual manner. As before, it will not appear on posts within topics, as the NodeBB scrubber bar already takes care of that. The arrow itself is transparent, meaning if you are using a mobile and this function activates itself, you’ll still be able to see the text beneath, so not invasive at all.
Seems to be very good. Can you give code CSS & JS for that and I Can test ?
@phenomlab yes, I was joking about my half star, but youre right, tone is hard to convey. I should have put a laughing emoji, as attempt at humour can be misinterpreted.
Incidentally what is the fractional, not even half, star about?!
When do I earn a full star? -
@Panda no issues at all. If you click on your half star, it’ll tell you how far away you are from the next level. At the rate you’re interacting, it won’t take long
Edit - if you go to your profile page and click your current level, that will tell you how many points you need to get to the next level.
Seems you need 8 points.
@Panda said in What is this bar called?:
Incidentally what is the fractional, not even half, star about?!
You know, that’s a good point. There are lots of other forums around that use the same schematic, so I was being lazy and followed their lead. Open to suggestions on your this though.
@phenomlab its a minor detail really.
I clicked on it and saw Im not far away from a full star, but thats actually a hollow star (not filled in)
So I suppose you would expect a half filled in star to progress to a filled in star?
Anyway its a tiny detail.
If using unfilled stars, maybe just start with one and increase the number of stars. -
@Panda yes, that’s a really good point. I’m using the pro version of Font Awesome but looking at it now after the point you just made, it seems somewhat nonsensical and should be changed.
Either 0-50 gets one star and so on, or I use a different icon to show new users. I didn’t want anyone coming here to be without any form of recognition hence 0-50.
On a more important point, I made a post on Nodebb trying to clarify why Reputation is stored as two values in the database
A reputation value
A reputation scoreIt seems somewhat duplicated, can you explain the difference
@Panda I think the value is for the icon, and the score is the actual number.
As a design point, always a risk for bugs having duplicated data.
It would be better to just store score, and then get the icon from the table that stores icon cutoffs. -
@Panda yes, that’s hard to argue. I’d just store numbers then use logic to determine which icon should be issued based on that.
However, I do see the reasoning for NodeBB’s approach s this was previously a community plugin and backwards completely of course has to be considered.
Just my personal opinion, I wish it had been left as plugin. Im assuming from your comment Reputation code is core now?I disabled this reputation on some forums. Have you seen the 10rules of how its calculated?
One of rules is something like:
by down-voting the object user loses x% subject to maxmin(5,50) and the subject loses y%, subject to criterias 1-10.
All sounded a bit complicated!
I am fundementally minimalist, so despite Flarums list of disadvantages, it has a clean start position.
NodeBB should be wary of throwing too much in as default and then ending up with bugs.
Just my opinion -
@Panda yes, that’s why I disabled down voting here. If you don’t like a post, move on. Simple.
It’s still a plugin, but officially supported by NodeBB. The user level plugin doesn’t have any bearing on reputation. There is another plugin that exerts greater control over the reputation system and I think you might have that installed (as I do). From recollection, the core values are quite basic unless there’s something in the underlying code that would dictate otherwise?
@DownPW said in What is this bar called?:
Seems to be very good. Can you give code CSS & JS for that and I Can test ?
Of course - but beware as some of this code will be in use in the existing progress bar you have (specifically
$(document).on("click", "#pageUp", function(e) { const firstTopic = $('[component="category/topic"][data-index="0"]'); if (firstTopic.length) { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, '300'); } else { ajaxify.refresh(); } });
#pageUp { display: inline-block; background: var(--bs-body-component-active); width: 50px; height: 50px; text-align: center; border-radius: 0.375rem; position: fixed; bottom: 70px; right: 80px; transition: background-color .3s, opacity .5s, visibility .5s; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; } #pageUp.show { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; z-index: 10000; color: var(--bs-body-navbar-color) !important; } a#pageUp.show:hover { background: var(--bs-dropdown-link-hover-bg); border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color); } a#pageUp i { position: absolute; top: 32%; left: 35%; } @media (max-width: 767px) { #pageUp { bottom: 60px; right: 30px; } }
Hi @phenomlab
Thanks for sharing
It’s the code for this reading bar :
In my point of view, it’s definitively better
It seems to be missing things because I don’t have the reading bar in the header and not have the button at the bottom right too
Could you provide me with the complete code in JS & CSS as if I was starting from scratch?
@DownPW Here you go. Remove any other references you have in custom JS that relate to the previous progress bar, and replace with this
// Scroll to top function $(window).on('action:ajaxify.end', function(data) { var matched = false; $(document).ready(function() { var pageUp = $('#pageUp'); var bar = $('.reading-meter'); var perWidth = $('.reading-meter').width(); // Main progressbar function function pageScroller() { var winScroll = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var height = document.documentElement.scrollHeight - document.documentElement.clientHeight; var scrolled = (winScroll / height) * 100; document.getElementById("progress-bar").style.width = parseFloat(scrolled).toFixed(0) + "%"; $('#percentage').val(parseFloat(scrolled).toFixed(0) + "%"); // Prevent the mouse scroll wheel from scrolling down after the pageUp button is clicked if ($('#pageUp').is(':focus')) { event.preventDefault(); } } // Bind the pageScroller function to the window's scroll event $(window).scroll(function() { pageScroller(); }); // Check the URL and composer visibility separately from the scroll event $(window).scroll(function() { var thisURL = window.location.href; var checkURL = ["topic", "notifications", "user"]; var isFound = false; for (var i = 0, len = checkURL.length; i < len; i++) { if (thisURL.indexOf(checkURL[i]) > -1) { isFound = true; break; } } if (isFound) { bar.removeClass('show'); pageUp.removeClass('show'); } else { // Exception here is that we don't want the scroll bar to show when the composer is active if ($(window).scrollTop() > 0 && (!$('[component="composer"]').is(":visible"))) { bar.addClass('show'); pageUp.addClass('show'); } else { bar.removeClass('show'); pageUp.removeClass('show'); } } }); // Scroll to top when #pageUp is clicked $(document).on("click", "#pageUp", function(e) { const firstTopic = $('[component="category/topic"][data-index="0"]'); if (firstTopic.length) { $("html, body").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }, '300'); } else { ajaxify.refresh(); } }); }); });
Now in the custom header, remove the previous code that probably looks something like this
<div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;"> <div class="pageUp" id="pageUp"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-left pointer" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> <div class="pageDown" id="pageDown"><i class="fa fa-angle-double-right pointer" aria-hidden="true"></i></div> <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready"> <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar"> <input disabled="disabled" type="text" id="percentage" name="percentage"> </div> </div> </div>
And replace with this
<a id="pageUp" class=""><i class="fas fa-chevron-up"></i></a> <div id="readingposition" class="reading-meter" style="bottom: 0px;"> <div class="reading-meter-background rounded-1 border border-gray-300 ready"> <div class="reading-meter-progress-bar rounded-1" id="progress-bar"> </div> </div> </div>
Now use the CSS provided below (note, that you may have previous CSS that already exists if you used the older version of the progress bar - you should remove that)
#pageUp { display: inline-block; background: var(--bs-body-component-active); width: 50px; height: 50px; text-align: center; border-radius: 0.375rem; position: fixed; bottom: 70px; right: 80px; transition: background-color .3s, opacity .5s, visibility .5s; opacity: 0; visibility: hidden; } #pageUp.show { opacity: 1; visibility: visible; z-index: 10000; color: var(--bs-body-navbar-color) !important; } a#pageUp.show:hover { background: var(--bs-dropdown-link-hover-bg); border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color); } a#pageUp i { position: absolute; top: 32%; left: 35%; } .reading-meter { position: fixed; width: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; height: 2px !important; } .reading-meter { visibility: hidden; } .reading-meter.show { visibility: visible; } div#readingposition { background-color: var(--bs-body-navbar) !important; color: var(--bs-body-color) !important; height: 2px; z-index: 1000; } .reading-meter-progress { border: 1px solid var(--bs-border-color); width: 100%; } .reading-meter-background { background: var(--bs-body-bg); } .reading-meter-progress-bar { background: var(--bs-progress-bg-bar); height: 2px; } input#percentage { display: none; } @media (max-width: 767px) { #pageUp { bottom: 60px; right: 30px; } }
That should do it.
Will test ASAP, i’m on new OGproxy conf now
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