@crazycells that’s as good a test as any 🙂
New "messenger style" conversation view
@phenomlab if there is no need to change the core codes, can we make new messenger style to in my site?
@cagatay Yes, but as I mentioned before, this really needs to be done in a development environment first as it’s quite disruptive to change CSS values constantly whilst users are trying to use the site.
@phenomlab i do not have dev side of my site. My users traffic also not good so i can get my all css as copy and you can try to new messenger style to my site, if there is any failure, don’t worry, you don’t have to feel responsible …
@cagatay Before we do this, what package do you have? If you have a VPS for example, creating a dev instance isn’t that hard, and it’s a recommended standard.
@phenomlab yes i have vps at hetzner.
@cagatay if it has enough power, you could create a replica of your site in a subdomain and use that for development. Essentially, it’s a copy of the production site but with it’s open file set and database so they behave like individual instances.
@phenomlab Sorry, I don’t have that much technical knowledge.
@cagatay I can assist with this if you like, or if you’re ok with working on the production site then this is also ok.
What exactly are you looking to get in terms of results ?
@phenomlab i’d like to that my messenger style same as your site.
@cagatay keeping the existing theme, or the design of a new one ?
@phenomlab keeping the existing theme, to tell the truht this is not a theme, i just changed some css style.
@cagatay on, makes sense. If you’re sure that you’d like for code to be written and executed on your production instance, then we can start this next week.
@phenomlab I m sure of course, will be glad. Great thanks for your time and helpfulness.
@crazycells You should be able to upvote more now as I’ve located the hard coded function in the plugin responsible for this and changed it from
maxVotesPerUser(reputation) { let MIN = 5, MAX = 50; let calculatedVotesPerUser = Math.floor(reputation / 10); if (calculatedVotesPerUser < MIN) { calculatedVotesPerUser = MIN; } else if (calculatedVotesPerUser > MAX) { calculatedVotesPerUser = MAX; } return calculatedVotesPerUser; },
maxVotesPerUser(reputation) { let MIN = 5, MAX = 500; let calculatedVotesPerUser = Math.floor(reputation / 50); if (calculatedVotesPerUser < MIN) { calculatedVotesPerUser = MIN; } else if (calculatedVotesPerUser > MAX) { calculatedVotesPerUser = MAX; } return calculatedVotesPerUser; },
It appears that the upvote limit is 10% of your reputation by default.